... Et même si nous sommes en droit de rester dubitatifs face à une technologie grand public plus attentive, semble-t-il, aux avancées voraces de la téléphonie mobile ou de la télévision 3D, le futur de naguère, celui dont nous rêvions au travers d'une science-fiction finalement bien visionnaire, ce futur là existe maintenant, nous le vivons et il dépasse l'imagination! Future is now vous propose donc d'écarter les branches touffues des Smartphones, Tablettes numériques et autres arbres à Apple pour découvrir l'actualité de la science, de la robotique et toute innovation digne d'un "ouah" admiratif.

English spoken (sometimes badly but always friendly!)

Holograms for everything

From Cortana (halo) through Snake ‘s final trick (Los Angeles 2013/ J.Carpenter) to the physical representations of Bones (tv  show),  holography is an integral part of our collective imagination since many years!

Who is to thank?

From imagination to reality, the road must be full of pitfalls because except a shy appearance in the 90’s in the entertainment games sector, the hologram did it minimalist by confining its development to smart cards, passports and Pokémon cards!
Nevertheless, it would seem that the holography takes advantage  of the wind of technological boldness impulsed by mobile telephony conjugated to the craze for the 3D. Always the  story of  the egg and the hen: is it the industry of the mobile that contents with surfing (thanks to its undeniable commercial intuition) on the underground wave of the returning holography or is it the holography which pulls of profit from the mobile "culture", doctor “ès” mass popularization of  high technologies? Good question we will not forget to approach a next day!

Phone poetry

The future holographic Nokia holders won’t certainly ask the question, fascinated that they will be by the contemplation of the 3D realizations escaping from their phone. In perspective, some pure moments of poetry in our everyday life …

According to Intel, Nokia’s partner on this project, " the animal " could be born in 2015 (prototype). The researchers of the center opened in Finland in the course of August 2010 are ready to get down to work and cogitate around the operating system MeeGo. An idea which forms since quiet a lot of time but not necessarily in Finnish brains: in 2006, two students of Annunzio des Pescara's university (Italy) took away the prize "Nokia University Program" by inventing a device able to throwing images in the air. Let us hope for them that they are actively involved in this adventure...


Except the powerful  mobile telephony industry, who else that the business world to assume financially (minimal cost of a laser, indispensable to this technique: 2000 euro) the use of the holography? It ‘s what must had think about some cunning youngs of communication and special event management such as  Animatik studio company which managed to place its product with the Printemps Haussman in Paris during the “ Ouverture” of the store in June, 2010. As for Japan, never in rest when it’s a question of investing the " technological Supernatural ", it intends to broadcast the matches which would be played at home during the football World Cup 2022 in 3D holography and this in diverse stadiums in foreign countries!
Less playful, the communication corporate quickly encircled the advantages from it.

See and touch

Hologram, it’s great but the tactile hologram, Its better! Because when our TV, cinemas (2020) and other pc, tablets and smartphones screens will have integrated this novelty, ally to it the tactile exploit will be enough to reach the geek’s Nirvana !
And moreover why proceeding by stage? The tactile holography seems to doesn’t want to wait. As proof, devices such as those of AirStrike or Ubiq Window already allow to interact with the fingertips on  virtual cars, globes or models.
From "tactile" to "touchable " (" haptic " in savant language!), there is only a step which Japanese researchers of Tokyo university have just crossed: the technique consists in creating an air pressure o in the user ‘s hand to feign the objet . Even if the imagined applications are for the moment not really convincing (to avoid the contaminations in a hospital environment through not realized buttons, ok but what is the importance of touchability?), the result leaves us dreaming  and feeling  bouncing in the hollow of our hand the little blue elephant , indeed has to be worth its peanuts weighing!

More evident, the utility of the haptic holography  in medicine,  particulary for the future surgeons invited to be made the hand (!) in real conditions (volumes and organs resistance)...

Digital holography

Pure fancy of the mind in the 60’s, the system of storage by digital holography (HVD) -  a volume equivalent to 830 DVD, 4900 CD or 11900 video Mpeg4 hours -  make us languish.
Two reasons for that: the manufacturing costs still high and there is a will to make profitable the previous techniques such as BluRay. Knowing that an adapted player is estimated near 15 000 dollars at the purchase, we shall be more inclined to grant a reprieve to our good old DVD players!

The universe is a great hologram!

We saw it, the holography spreads its limits until a position as a possible representation of the universe. From 1982 till 1988, a series of experiences led to the optics Institute of Orsay by the physicist Alain Aspect‘s team ends in a discovery concerning the communication between photons and electrons. This discovery gave rise to four interpretations of which David Bohm’s one: the universe would work in a similar way as a hologram! Other researchers are agree with this interpretation, as following example Pr Standford and neuropsychologist Karl Pribam. This last one explains the storage phenomenon  of human memory according to the holographic model and the argentino-Italian researcher Hugo Zucarelli adapts it to acoustic studies. Wearing the name of " holographic Paradigm ", this theory although discussed, push a door often opened with fear: everything would be only an illusion …

Sliding thought
Human future

Researchers of the Japanese university of Yokohama City managed to create sperm cells in laboratory!
This discovery  is going to allow at first to reduce the number of male individuals necessary for the reproduction of a given population, for secondly, to end in a production of synthetic sperm without donor …
"This discovery  could allow to understand better the molecular stages of sperm's formation, and maybe to find treatments against the male infertility. " (cosmosmagazine.com)

Do you feel better now?
Be reassured: yet in 2009, the British attempt to create some sperm with gamettes XX had failed: the Y chromosome proved its indispensable character (for the moment, hin, hin, sardonic laughter). The purpose in this time was the same that today: understand the generation process of the male seminal liquid and there, resolve the enigmae which put most of male infertilities and not to eradicate the male constituant of human reproduction!